
  • Preliminary Investigations

    Sourcing & Compilation of data, Preliminary Studies based on available data, Field Surveys & Investigations, Preliminary resources and demand surveys & investigations, Preliminary Investigations and Mapping, Pre-feasibility Studies, Comparing alternatives and formulation of viable project concept.

  • Field Investigations

    Detailed Topographic surveys, Feature Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Volumetric Surveys, strip surveys, Alignment surveys, Hydro graphic Surveys.

  • Feasibility Studie s/Planning/Project-Formulation

    Field studi es including investigation a nd surveys, Study of development potential, Engin eering Studies & designs, So cio- eco nomic and other s ectoral studies, System s analysis and Com parison of costs an d benefit s, Development progr m and evaluation, Pre paration of alternative financing plans, preparation of detailed feasibility/ planning reports.

  • Detaile d Project Reports ( DPR's)

    Detailed Investigation and Surveys f or surface /subsurface elevations & detail , Plannin g of pr oject, Detailed D esigns of structure s, Drawings of design ed struc tures a n d detailing, Prep aring Estimates includes jungle cleara nce, Ear th work, s tructural quantities, Land acquisition schedul es and Preparation of Reports.

  • Engine ering Designs & Drawings

    Preliminary engineering designs of project components, Costestimate/Contract documents, Detailed Engineering designs & Construction drawings.

Topographic Surveys

We are offering quality Topography Survey Services,which meets the various requirements of our clients These services are used to determine the cultural, physical details above or below, hence determine their relative position on the surface of the ear th. The professio nals engged in offering these services have the capacity to handle the topographic map combinations.

Contour Surveys

We offer Contour Survey Service. The contour lines are virtually drawn on a surface, repre senting a particular elevation. These surveys are rende red to our cli ents by a team of diliget and experienced tem of professionals. They find out the volume of soil, plan the drainage, measure the cut & fill quantities and plan the entire irrigation system. We use latest and sophistica ted equipment for carrying out our surveys efficienly.

Alignment Surveys

We conduct Alignment Surveys. These surveys are done for the designing and construction of various highways, pipelines, canals, Water Supply Schemes and railways

This involves Four stages

  • Reconnaissance and planning
  • Works design
  • Right of way acquisition
  • Final Alignment marking

Hydrographic Surveys

Our company offers quality Hydrographic Survey Services, which meets the vari ous requirements of our clients. In this type of survey, we study the physical properties, distribution,circulation and quantities of the water bodies. The latest instruments and sophisticated techniques are em ployed in delivering the services.